NAB Show

NAB Show


Ed Czarnecki

Vice President – Global and Government Affairs at Digital Alert Systems

With a career spanning over 25 years across the broadcast, cable, mobile, and professional services industries, Dr. Edward Czarnecki is the Vice President of Global and Government Affairs at Digital Alert Systems. In this role, Dr. Czarnecki drives the development, adoption, and implementation of cutting-edge emergency alerting technologies and standards. As a recognized authority in the field, Dr. Czarnecki is dedicated to enhancing the reliability and effectiveness of public warning systems globally, and ensuring that ATSC-driven technologies remain a core part of emergency communications options.  

He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC), and is Vice-Chair of ATSC’s Advanced Emergency Information Implementation Team. He is a member of the FEMA IPAWS select working Group and Canada's Alert Technical Working Group (ATWG). He has also served on the FEMA National Advisory Council’s alerting working group and the FCCs Communications Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council (CSRIC).

His advisory expertise has supported several nations in deploying robust and effective public warning systems, having provided professional services to the broadcasting, cable, mobile and satellite industries across the Americas and Europe. Dr. Czarnecki earned his Ph.D. from Georgetown University and holds a master’s degree and Certificate in International Law from St. John's University.

Ed Czarnecki


Public Media Prototyping for NextGen TV

Monday, April 7 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. PDT