NAB Show

NAB Show


Media Accreditation and Show Registration

A press badge is required to cover the Show and for entrance to our onsite newsroom. Credentials are extended by invitation to those who publish written, video or audio content about the sessions, Exhibitors, speakers or other aspects of the event in a timely manner. 

  • Invitations will be automatically extended to those reporting on behalf of official media partners and qualified industry analysts.  
  • For international visitors, VISA letters may be requested during the application process.

Registration Sponsor

Three-Year Credentialing

To have your media credentials extended automatically for upcoming Shows, accredited media should submit links to their published coverage from last year’s Show. Press must still register for future Shows, but your application will be automatically approved for three years.

During the credentialing process, all applicants must submit at least one of the following for review:

All submissions must present your byline.

  • News coverage of NAB, NAB Show or NAB Show New York published in the past 24 months, including articles, video, audio or professional social posts.
  • Sample of work covering a topic that is related to the business conducted at NAB Show and the technologies, products, services and session topics presented, including news or features about show Exhibitors. This can include articles, video, audio or social posts.

Not accepted:

  • Links to homepages of websites, bio pages or other general content.
  • General links to social media pages or YouTube channels.
  • Media credentials alone. Most TV and radio stations do issue credentials, but this does not signify that you are attending NAB Show with the intent to generate coverage.

Media accreditation and show registration are the same process. Your badge will be your onsite credentials.