Chris Bailey


[ 00:00:19 ] Well I mean I just did a panel this morning talking about OT and social media and streaming and all that content needs to get to the point of streaming somehow. And that’s you know they’re the ones that are going to take over the digital or the physical medium. We’re the ones that are going to get the content through the plumbing faster to get it to the point where it’s distributed to the consumers. So far as what I have to say with the digital versus the physical media. I’m not sure I’m not the expert in that but we can get to the point where they either create digital or physical media a lot faster than traditional methods. Traditional methods I like to use the analogy of a swimming pool if you have a swimming pool when you’re filling up with your hose the outside your house you have one bucket and you fill it up and you walk over and you pour it in. You walk back. That’s traditional file transfer. If your pool is down the street and you still have the one bucket Now you fill it up walk over you’re walking a lot further and you can only carry a little bit of water at a time. Now this is like having a human chain. You pass the bucket along. Fill another one. Pass them along. You don’t have to wait for that first bucket to get back in that way. Doesn’t matter how far away the distance is that pools are essentially going to get filled up just as fast because you’re dumping water in constantly. So that’s what makes us faster and the way that we make that accessible to people is we create API and desktop applications that watch folders on your desktop and move files across automatically when they see a new file being encoded for example. And the API is that we make allow integration with third party mamm systems and workflow systems.

[ 00:02:07 ] Let me let me use the best known example that we’re allowed to talk about and that would be what we’ve done with NBC Olympics. So NBC approached us in 2014 and what they wanted to do is leave a significant portion of their editing team back in Stanford instead of taking them traditionally to take them to. In London they took a large portion with them and they take a lot of their archive footage along with them as well. They want to leave this stuff behind and Stanford. So what they did in Sochi is as the events are being recorded and created into a high rez video file they’re actually creating low rez proxies at the same time. Our software is transferring 80 to 100 of these lower as proxy files back to Stanford and it gets inserted in the Avid system on the other end where the editors are sitting and they can and the loggers are logging it inserting it into the meme. So at any point they can call up a clip and it’s only delayed by a few seconds to bring back high rez of what they actually need and they push that up to social media push it to the web etc. and on the flip side we give them high speed access to their archives as well so they got a spectra control. SAGAL sitting in the basement. They need to get a clip. It’s all logged in there ma’am. Someone searches for Michael Phelps clips winning gold boom it gets copied over to a media deck and we can transfer it over to Sochi at high speed. Now for the fun of it we decided to take one of these clips and flip it to FCP mode in mid middle impacts and it was like a 20 gig clip and that the time remaining for the transfer was like 21 hours and we flipped it back to use file counters protocol. It was there in under a minute. So those are the kind of games and that’s the kind of leverage that they get and you know how they can leave an entire archive at home with still have quick access to it from halfway around the world and then for real they took it to another level because they saw what they could do in Sochi. They left more at home. They increased the scale and it’s going to be just the same for Pyeongchang coming up in the next year.

[ 00:04:07 ] The cloud storage is a lot more I guess the cost per gigabyte is actually down around tape these days so people are taking advantage of it and moving stuff into S3 and Amazon.

[ 00:04:18 ] Or is their blog and they need mechanisms to get it in there and you have all the different workflow and manned providers they’re providing access to it through file catalysed because we provide that window into objects in the same type of acceleration in and out. And then recently you see a lot of hybrid cloud and on prem object stores coming out so people didn’t like to pay 5 cents a gig to pull data out of us three or out of Azur. So now they’re hosting their own private cloud or objects or other in premise. And you also see the companies like spectra and quantum that are providing you know warm storage in front of their tape that’s object store based. And so yeah archiving is huge and being able to access that data fast you know and from anywhere is huge and that we play a big role in that. The other day I was talking to someone about this and you know to add context to a broadcast you know you want to be able to pull up information and type in a tag and bring up stuff that you’ve tagged previously to add context and if it’s something that you’re not necessarily prepared for like let’s say you know I’m a big hockey fan. I’m from Canada so Bruins and senators are playing the other day and one of the players is leaving after the game that we won of course. And a fan reaches down grabs the hockey stick he tries to pull it out of the player’s hand. Erik Karlsson took his stick and whacked the fan on the hand. This is a perfect opportunity to go and look for a tag like all the instance where fans and players kind of interacted and build like a top 10 list on the fly. And as a broadcaster that’s huge value be able to pull that stuff. It was unexpected. You weren’t expecting to pull that and see the Michael Phelps stuff that we did with the Olympics they knew Michael Phelps going to win gold medals they can have that stuff ready and have it there. But when the unexpected happens you need to have low latency access to that remote footage. And that’s again that’s just an example of the value that that cowskin out.

[ 00:06:12 ] Really.

[ 00:06:15 ] Exactly. And the bigger the geographic distances the better. I mean we try to create it not just for the Olympics but just for you know your MO trucks at a venue we want you to feel like you have access as if you were parked right at your headquarters you know but you might be on the other side of the country. Well the beauty of Amazon S3 is that they provide the same interface regardless of whether it’s there you know glace here or there you know S3. And then a host of other objects storage vendors the on prem stuff also provide an S3 interface so by talking S3 we can actually talk to many many vendors. Of course Microsoft has their own Google Cloud has their own but you know we’re integrated with those ones as well. The way that consumers are watching media these days is requiring Not only that it’s available in several form factors on your mobile device and social media over-the-top you know set top boxes but they want it now. They don’t want to wait. So part of what we did with some of our customers is it gives them the ability to really move ahead of their competitors in terms of providing real time content not just stills but you know clips that have already been transcode and available on all the different mediums within a couple of minutes after the events have actually occurred. And I mentioned the Olympics but it’s not just with the Olympics and NBC Sports it’s with a lot of other sporting events as well that aren’t necessarily as big but you want to have the ability to get that content to the consumer and that keeps them coming back to your your social platform or your mobile app or your network. So if the other guys don’t have it then they’re going to switch the channel and go somewhere else.

[ 00:08:13 ] It’s funny. I mean this happened to me yesterday I was at the Wynn for a meeting and the sense of rooms were. And it was the end of third period going to overtime. And I just finished a meeting I had to get up to meet a couple of buddies at Planet Hollywood. I had 18 minutes intermission to get our car get up there and I was almost there and I called up where are you at. And he said oh by the way the Sens just scored and I’m like great so I go to my phone and I’m trying to refresh my feed to see if I can see the clip. I didn’t see it and it took 10 15 minutes for that clip to finally appear and I could see what actually happens. So over the next few years I expect to see that you know the way that we can go and access these clips is going to just be phenomenal. It’s going to be faster it’s going to. Everything is just going to get faster and faster and you know we’re going to move into even bigger content because we’re going to have higher resolutions you’re going to have or you’re going to have all these new technologies that it’s just it’s exploding the size of the media which is creating the making the problem even larger that we’re solving. Speaking of replay I mean inside a venue you have so many angles and so many feeds now. So it is funny the panel is on this morning. A guy from Fox was talking about having 100 cameras inside of the arena and I mean they’re following every individual player on their own feed and automatically you know clipping different logging it automatically based on these feeds and it’s incredible. But the amount of content that’s being generated is just massive and how you view the content around.

[ 00:09:50 ] Right exactly it’s like NFL like red zone.

[ 00:10:00 ] They have all the different feeds you can see and it’s just that just wasn’t there a few years ago you know. And to be able to supplement it with your social media and kind of keep everybody tuned in to your channels is just that’s that’s where things are going. Cameras and microphones you know sensors motion sensors that sort of thing all kind of converging to automatically process all this video and put it somewhere. We had last summer with the Olympics with NBC we had Phelps cam. People just wanted to see him backstage with his hood up listen to his music going like this and I’m like why do people want to see this but I’m not a huge swimming fan. I’m a hockey fan. And as soon as I see someone wins I want to go on social media. I want to see the clips of disappointed fans on the other team. I want to see that. I want to see the locker room reactions and I want to see it fast. I just like I said I keep refreshing. I want to see it now.

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Backstage Conversations
Backstage Conversation Season: 2017