Fred Mattocks


Fred Mattocks is the General Manager of Media Operations for CBC’s English Services. As such he is responsible for the operations of English Services programming and services for all media. Fred is a member of the English Services Senior Management Team. He led Technology and Technology Strategy for CBC for a number of years as a founder, member, and Chair of CBC/Radio-Canada’s Technology Strategy Board, and is currently Head of Technology Strategy for the company under its new Media Technology and Infrastructure Services division.  Fred has a long and varied experience in the CBC in operations and in programming. In his last role he

was responsible for the redefinition of CBC Television’s local news offer, a project which re-engineered local television across the country. He also created a line of low cost daily lifestyle programming in regional locations. In his various roles in operations he has been responsible for enabling the shift of English Services internal structure from dedicated media silos to a “content company” model where content assets are created and deployed to create the maximum overall benefit for the citizen consumer. Among the projects he has created and led are the transition to HDTV, the transition to file based production for all media, “central-casting” for Television and Radio, and the move of production tools to the desktop.

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