Guido Voltolina


[ 00:00:19 ] So when when people experience virtual reality the rotation is definitely very high and the core difference is really what we call a sense of presence and sense of presence in virtual reality is fundamentally tricking your brain to a certain extent and making you feeling right there.

[ 00:00:41 ] As soon as you feel right there and you don’t feel in front of a screen like normal to the V-2 your brain registered that experience is pretty much part of your life. So now the emotional not associated with it and everything is really retain with the emotional aspect that is much much higher. And so the empathetic element is redivivus retention is high because then the emotion associated with that experience really are for. In your brain not as I saw a video of. But I’ve been doing this I’ve been part of it. And that is the magic element to make vr fundamentally a new medium. It’s not an extension of video. It’s not an extension of pictures. It’s just the medium on its own. The other aspect from a rotation point of view is that if you watch a video you’ll be watching it one time maybe two times if you really like it for the rest that you will tell people you’ve got to watch this video. But you are not going to watch it again and again. You just tell people watch it again. In vr the dynamic of experiencing the video are different because I may be watching a certain area you’ll be watching a different one. Now when we exchange the social aspect of the experience now you’re going to tell me all you got to watch on the right side what is happening and maybe I was watching on the left side.

[ 00:02:12 ] Let’s watch. I’m going to go back and watch it again because I want to see the same thing you saw. But a surfer so I’ve seen something that we both have not seen.

[ 00:02:21 ] So now not only the attention but the viewing times are you know on average five six times versus the one or two of the video related to the suspense to suspend disbelief a concept or pulling a person completely inside the story and being part of it. The virtual reality allow you not only to be part of the story but to interact with the story.

[ 00:02:58 ] So now when you’re in front of a screen of a beautiful movie of course it is emotional a very impactful movie theater you see people crying. But you’re passive you’re watching it. You are a fly on the wall if you want or you’re following the story of course and the storytelling is very entertaining and bringing you emotionally but you’re not really part of that story. You’re watching this story somehow no matter how big is the screen of the cinema. How wonderful is the sound that the surround sound. You feel like you’re behind a window watching that story in virtual reality as you are in the story now it’s up to the producer and the director how much you can interact or not with the story but the language of the storytelling is is completely different. First of all you cannot really force people to watch this or that direction. And so you need to develop a technique in order to take them through the story like in real life. You know right now we’re facing each other a little. Are you looking at me the only reason for me to turn around that will be someone call my name or you start really looking behind me. That will be my hand to say you because something is happening. I bet if none of those events take place I’ll be just you know looking this way. Now NPR sound is very very relevant. Much more than INTUITY because you will be able to tell the people were to look at based on sound that is very natural for us. It’s the same thing that happening in real life. And then also you have this element of interactivity. You can make things happen differently depending on how they interact with a virtual reality environment. Of course it’s more developer in computer graphics than video. But already there are technologies available for making. Also the video part interactive. So that now I’m watching. I don’t know a certain scene of certain happening around me and depending on how I press buttons or move around or simply if I look right or left different things happen different ways. All those elements make these you know completely integrated experience of bringing somebody in a much more powerful in VR and really letting the people inside these windows. I mean these is it’s a piece of glass that we bump into. Because we can jump into this scene and you might remember some of the old movies where where people jump into the screen of the cinema and suddenly they are inside the movie and they’re part of the movie. The r is that thing is happening.

[ 00:06:03 ] Related to the development of the language of storytelling and the narrative in VR you have the opportunity of having multi threads but you don’t have the requirements of supplying all of those.

[ 00:06:18 ] So you can definitely develop a linear story liking to the where the viewer has only the freedom of looking around and then will be the storytelling and the sound and some some elements are telling him where to look at. Of course the main actors is what you’re following the story about you instinctively follow where he goes. Even if he’s moving around in an environment. So you don’t have to deliver ten stories but you have that opportunity of having this multithread exactly as it happened in real life in real life. You have the opportunity of looking around you. You don’t have to. And you can be in a certain moment. We both could be together right. And we look at different direction. Your life experience will be different than mine because you might witness something happening that I’m just not looking at at that particular moment. That’s how life is. So in VR you have the opportunity of doing storytelling with multithread. But you don’t have the obligation of doing it. Now one thing that you can do in VR that is quite compelling particularly for advertisement or entertainment or to bring in people in you can start telling people to look for things and they don’t necessarily see it unless they see in the right direction. So you can imagine that if you were doing a you know major brand commercial and you tell people to look at a certain product and he only appears at a certain moment a certain location they might be willing to wash their commercial multiple times to see where and when that thing appears.

[ 00:08:06 ] Same from a storytelling point of view. You can almost develop. A way where if we both watch the same vr video we may end up with two different stories just because we look at two different direction. Now what is fantastic in VR and is the concept that I call of Time Machine is that I can go back. And have the same experience that you’ll have and play back just following where you wash I if you tell me instead of left look at right. OK I’ll play the video back. Look right. And now we can share the experience. And that applies also for news events personal details. You can only imagine you know people doing a wedding in VR. They are the people getting married so they don’t know what is happening because they’re there.

[ 00:08:59 ] You know the main characters but later they can go back and be part of the audience later that can go back and be I don’t know the priests or whatever whatever the camera has been position that really open a series of experiences that people will be able to relieve again and share that was not available before.

[ 00:09:32 ] That that concept is new. But at the same time is I cannot say it’s infinite but is kind of unlimited. Whatever the difference is infinite and unlimited is and the constraint is really time. How much time you have to explore all those places. And then because very similar to surfing the web in the early days in the early days there were very few things that you will resolve. Surfing the Web right. You would put a word there were like some sites but not many.

[ 00:10:04 ] Right now there are I don’t know thousands. Right. So today we were ready develop our own skill sets in filtering out. So we know much better when we surf the web but how to be more precise and narrow to find out what we’re looking for saving in those new environments are generated by either computer graphics or soon also with videos as well. We will develop our own taste to our own filtering where we start looking at something like you know what. It’s not for me. And you go back and say oh I want something more of these chambray or more exciting or more relaxing. You know everybody has different needs a different time of the day. There is a moment on the day where you want to be very active very interactive. There are moments of the day where you don’t want to be interactive you want to be passive just relax and enjoy a certain environment. But what is important is that now the journey of going somewhere either is a real place or an imaginary environment or very interactive or a very non active place. They’re all available and they’re all available in a very fast way. So as the Web Search for example before we could we could sort out that information we just took more time will be no phone calls books. And so maybe we’re not doing it because we’re taking too much time.

[ 00:11:29 ] Same here you know we might not go some places because it takes three days to travel and see it. And now instead you just click and you’re in the Amazon. OK now you’re going to be the Amazon so you’ll become much more efficient in feeding your own need of entertainment. And you can do that together. You know a lot of people are saying that we are not social actually is very social. We can be in the same place at the same time.

[ 00:11:59 ] And the magic aspect of the are where the physical space is not a limitation anymore. You know in real life I can be the only one next to a person on a two seat car in VR if one of the two seats is a VR camera. I can have a million people in that seat and they can talk to each other at the same time having the same experience. So from a social perspective is really enabling an interchange of information and connecting people at a level that is much broader than before. From augmented reality point of view we also want to extend to what we called M.R. mixed reality. So there is V.R. they are M.R. many are ultimately they’re all converging to the same spot. Either you talk about overlain information on top of what you’re seeing in real life at this particular moment to overlain and augmenting information on something that was captured earlier but play back in a time shifted or something that is completely computer generated completely virtual. Right. All those are just different experiences with different school ingredients if you want to. But at the end they generate an experience. Now in terms of good mental reality what you can start having is supernatural powers try things that you cannot do in real life versus without the augmented reality. You don’t have that additional layer. So now I can look at something and I know the exact distance with my vision. I know approximately how far it is.

[ 00:13:56 ] But now I can have the details of the exact kind of information that I can pull on my you know myself because I don’t have the database your name your address your phone number.

[ 00:14:08 ] And not only generically of object and I’m looking at it but specifically on the information I’m looking for at that particular moment. So we document the reality. I can start again being more efficient in my day to day life.

[ 00:14:23 ] I can be shopping and instead of spending time trying to look for the price of something I can preset and say I want to see only items there are five to ten dollars on just looking for a good five to ten dollars.

[ 00:14:34 ] So now I’m in the store I’m walking in the store but I’m very rapidly filtering in five to $10 things.

[ 00:14:44 ] So it’s really about efficiency and how that can implement the supernatural experience that end up to be more entertaining. Office business wise a much more efficient in delivering the end product.

[ 00:15:03 ] Really really. I’m pretty good.

[ 00:15:06 ] Anything you wanted to get out your while your so and not the technologies we are really investing in VR technologies related to the sense of presence.

[ 00:15:22 ] And with that we’re looking at what are the tools that are needed to today’s industry in order to capture the lever and play back what we call sense of presence.

[ 00:15:36 ] Today we started with the video with spatial audio delivery of those experience life and so people can be live at the concert or sports event. And then the play back in order to deliver all the elements that will tell your brain you are there. This is the essence of what we call the Ozel reality just because it’s not to the 360 video that you know that is fun to look around but your brain doesn’t feel like being there. And we do believe that as soon as you start delivering the full immersive experience then people not only will remember more strongly what they experience but they also will enjoy much much more emotional involvement.

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